

Booking a Tee Time

Booking a tee time is made simple using the iGolf Systems tee booking interface. Please follow the simple directions below:

Step One

Find a time on the tee sheet that will accomodate the number of players you will be playing with. Click on the time beside the opening, or click on the open cell in the tee sheet.

You can add to another group. Ex: a twosome can join an existing twosome.

Step Two

Once the tee booking interface has opened you have two methods of entering another member. You can select a player from you Buddy List which will be listed in the Members box (once you have created a Buddy List). You can select all the members in your Buddy List by holding your mouse button down and dragging over the list. You can also hold the control button down and click on multiple players.

If you are adding a player not in your Buddy List you can search for another member by typing their last name into the Search Box. As you type the name it will zero in on the name you are searching for. Many times you will not need to type the entire name.

As you locate the players you must click on their name. They will become highlighted. Once a player is highlighted you will need to click "+ Player" to move them to the Selected Players box.

If you would like to bring a guest that has already played with you, they will be listed in the Guest box and you can click on their name to highlight the guest and then click "+ Guest" to add them to your group. If they are not in your list you can click "Create Guest" and try to locate the guest in the search box. If they are located in the Search you can highlight the guest and click "+ Guest" to include them in your guest list. If they are not in the systems you will then have to click "Create Guest" and fill in the guest info. The guest will automatically be added to your guest list.

Step Three

Now that you have selected the players you will be playing with, you will need to select carts, power caddies, etc for the players in the group. If you are booking more than four players you will have to click on the booking(s)below and assign the applicable carts after the initial booking is completed.

Click "Submit" to complete the booking.


If you cannot find a player in the Buddy List or the Search results, it is because they are prohibited from playing at the time you have selected.